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Bible Training Institute
BTI Leader: Eric Hendrix

Bible Training Institute


The Bible records in 2 Timothy 2:15, "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth". The ministry of Bible Training Institute is devoted to training people in the foundations of the Word of God. This training not only encompasses doctrine, but it also incorporates aspects of business, polity, and procedure.

History of BTI


At the 34th Annual Assembly in 1939, the Questions and Subjects Committee brought forth the following resolution:"...We recommend that a committee of three be appointed, and that said committee shall be authorized to make necessary investigations with a view of starting [Bible Training Camp], and if in their judgement they find conditions that will warrant this action, they have full authority to arrange for, manage, and conduct the school, select teachers and proper books and literature, and to work out the details regarding tuition, board and rooms, etc. If conditions show that such a move is premature, the committee should hold the matter over..."After much prayer, consideration, and preparation, the first Bible Training Camp was held during the summer season of 1941. Although the Bible training program has undergone a name change to Bible Training Institute and it is no longer operated by a committee, it remains dedicated to training Christian men and women for the service of the Lord.

Purpose of BTI


The Bible records in 2 Timothy 2:15, "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth". The ministry of Bible Training Institute is devoted to training people in the foundations of the Word of God. This training not only encompasses doctrine, but it also incorporates aspects of business, polity, and procedure. Bible Training Institute has, throughout the years, been a success in providing the Church many laborers to go forth in the needy fields of labor to advance the Church's work and ministry.

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